Soul Musings

Nourish. Travel. Thrive.

International Travel

I have been consumed by wanderlust since my first trip to Greece in 2015. Since then, I’ve explored numerous countries and cities across Europe and Asia, yet my appetite for new experiences remains insatiable. Given unlimited time and resources, I would eagerly traverse every corner of the globe. I would fearlessly embark on solo adventures if necessary, although I am fortunate to always have a companion by my side on my travels.

Each year I always make it a point to go somewhere I have never been. If I could only bring my family with me in these Europe adventures, that would be my greatest wish and dream.

Join me as I share my experiences from traveling around the world. I’ll tell you about the different places I’ve been to and give you some tips. I’ve had some bad experiences while traveling, and I don’t think it’s possible to avoid them completely. So here’s my first tip: Before you travel to another country, make sure to research it, especially about common scams targeted at tourists. Trust me, it will make a big difference in avoiding people who just want to take your money! The last thing you want is to be stressed out from being scammed. Let’s make international travel enjoyable, the way it’s meant to be.


Paris, France


Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Brussels, Belgium

Bruges, Belgium

Prague, Czech Republic

Berlin, Germany

Vienna, Austria

Salzburg, Austria




Bangkok, Thailand

South Korea

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