Soul Musings

Nourish. Travel. Thrive.

My name is Jacqueline.

When I turned 32 at the Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi

An extraordinary gal who loves the not-so-simple things in life. Happiness is all about being kind to my body, experiencing life with the people who matter to me, and doing the things that leave an impact and a difference in the lives of the people who surround me.

I am a passionate individual who adores savoring my coffee at any time of the day – be it morning, night, or dawn. The aroma of coffee beans never fails to awaken my senses, filling me with sheer delight and energy.

Pink coffee shop in Bangkok

Someone who adores traveling and exploring distant destinations, immersing in their culture, and savoring their cuisine. I delight in strolling through new cities, occasionally losing myself, only to stumble upon even more marvelous sights. The sheer joy of existence envelops me as I wander through cities and countries I once merely dreamt of visiting, never imagining I would actually set foot there.

Magnificent View of Kawaguchiko Lake in Tokyo

I don’t always find the time to cook, actually, it’s a rare occasion. But when I do, get ready to be amazed by how mouth-wateringly delicious my recipes turn out! (haha, I’m not kidding!)

Cooking Ginisang Ampalaya Recipe
Beautiful Santorini Sunset

A gal who loves to pamper herself by going to salons, massage parlors, and spas. I wouldn’t ever dare go to bed without completing a skincare regimen of some sort. Loves to shop and considers it as one of my ways to de-stress. Destressing also means journaling or scrapbooking, reading, and doing ‘artsy’ stuff like coloring books or making posters to design whiteboards at my workplace.

After a Relaxing Whole Body Massage at Let’s Relax Spa, Bangkok

I strive to inspire you with every post I create and to help you see life in a more beautiful light.

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